Information to help you complete the form
It is important the form is fully completed. It is better to provide too much information, rather than not enough.We know that some of the questions are very personal, but without full information, we will be unable to consider the application. If there are questions that you are unable to answer, please explain why.
To note you cannot reply within 12 months of a previous successful grant application.
What is the money for?
As examples,
a. A new stair carpet as my one of 30 years is now threadbare
b. A motorised scooter as I am unable to walk more than a few yards
c. New spectacles as mine are held together with sticky tape
Outline of Financial Situation
When completing the part about income you will need to record things like your pension, both state and private, any benefits you receive, and any salary and savings that you have.
It is very important to note that having savings will not bar you from applying, or from receiving a grant.
There is a list of expenses, which are your essential monthly payments which you need to complete.
We are aware that you have to buy food so there is no need to mention it, and trips to the hairdresser do not count.
We are only able to help members (staff or volunteers) of WVS, WRVS and Royal Voluntary service (RVS), so it is important to explain how you have been involved.
If you do not have a volunteer number, we will contact RVS head office for confirmation of your volunteering.
If you are still volunteering we will contact your project manager. If you are retired, we could speak to your last manager/organiser, if you have their details. Occasionally, you may have support from a third party, for example a social worker or GP.If they have given you letters, we would need to see what they say and will return originals if you are not able to photocopy them.
All matters are dealt with in the strictest confidence
The Process
Step One
Before you start filling in the form, read through the form first and make sure that you have all the information to hand needed to complete it.
Step Two
When you have all the necessary information, fill in the form in one go. If you need to, you can save the form and come back to it later.
Step Three
Check you have not missed any fields. Attach all necessary documents and submit your application. You will get an email confirmation it has reached us.
Apply Online
If you have any queries, please email or telephone 07968 098275, leave a message and we will return your call.